Friday, May 28, 2010

I've been cooking!

So, now that I'm in a place all by myself, I've been doing some cooking. So here's a list of things I've made... because I know you're all curious.
banana bread
poached eggs
oatmeal banana pancakes (because people love to give m their bananas)
a banana cream tart/pie/crisp
orange chicken
bbq sauce
garlic mashed potatoes
funfetti cake
french bread (which turned out like poo, but I still made it)
other things that aren't that interesting

ok thats all for now....


Liz Mahn said...

update: I've now also made pizza, and a decent unrecipe cake sin frosting....

Liz Mahn said...

You're right Bill, I forgot the banana bread. I've made a lot of that. Its delicious, thank you great grandma Eugenie.