Friday, May 28, 2010

I've been cooking!

So, now that I'm in a place all by myself, I've been doing some cooking. So here's a list of things I've made... because I know you're all curious.
banana bread
poached eggs
oatmeal banana pancakes (because people love to give m their bananas)
a banana cream tart/pie/crisp
orange chicken
bbq sauce
garlic mashed potatoes
funfetti cake
french bread (which turned out like poo, but I still made it)
other things that aren't that interesting

ok thats all for now....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pictures for Bulletpoints

This is a picture of the rock statue things to help guide your way to Chirripo. Well little did they know that even though I was in Girl Scouts for 6 monthes and could only sell 5 boxes of cookies (to my parents and my grandmother), these only helped a little bit and really I just got lucky.
Here I am at the top.
I got lost (of course I did) and ended up at a mountain peak called Ventisquaros. It had a pretty awesome view and apparently you can see my town. Apparently.
Los Crestones, I didn't make it there because I had walked enough that day.

I'll just go ahead and bulletpoint this for you

Ok... so you'd think I'd have time to write a real blog post every once in while, and I probably do, but I guess I'll never be a blogger and make millions. Anyways, I'm going to sum up my life in bulletpoints, because they're easy and a lot more reader friendly.

-Due to having an extremely small school we lost a teacher, which means that there was no more time for my English Classes or my Chicas Poderosas group, but just this past week I found out that the teacher was able to come back, so hopefully I'll get that all worked out

-I'm now taking care of a gringo's house at the outer edges of town. This means privacy and more independence. Its already great. Too bad its just til Sept.

-I climbed up to the top of Chirripo, which is the highest mountain in Costa Rica. It took me 6 hours to get the base camp and getting lost and going to a different mountain peak before I reach the very tippy top of Chirripo. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I did it, my feet on the other hand, hate me.

-At my new house, there is a "stray" kitten. It hangs out and meows about, only to run away when I get close. I've named it Spooky, we'll see if it decides to call me mommy or decides life in the wild is preferrable to a non-cat lover.

Thats all I can remember for now. I'll keep trying hard to keep the updates, well you know, updated.