Other news, is we are preparing for the fiesta for the school. I may or may not be killing a cow with my uncle, but I'll definitely be spending all day making tamales. I'll also be dancing and maybe winning some bingo.
I've also been doing more house visits. For all you archeology buffs out there, there are giant rocks that have ancient maps of the area carved into them. The indigenous people used these to show where the cemeteries were and where different people's property was. It was pretty neat to see and hopefully next time I visit I can take some pictures and post them.
Overall things are good. I am slowly but surely visiting all the houses in my town and finally remember people's names. Meetings are happening and also not (rain sometimes puts a hamper on how much people want to get out of their houses) (below are pictures of a downpour I got trapped in, also more pictures of the town). I am also still teaching English and helping out with projects. The CAT (community analysis paper I have to write) is starting to stress me out a bit, but one day at a time and I think I'll make it through. And if you ever miss my voice you can always skype call me.
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